
Designed with purpose

This former factory originally housed trade workers. It still does.

When re-designing this building, we were inspired by the story of our very first tenant, an artisan carpenter, who wanted to set up shop, set down roots, and have other artisans close-at-hand to foster collaboration and community.

We continue to be inspired by, and grow with, artisans and craft people like you.

Your needs are our passion.

The real work you do comes from more than just paint and brushes, or hammers and tacks, or thread, or metal, or clay. It’s hands-on experience. Human connection. Dedication to craft. Creative Collaboration. Showing off a little.

And sometimes really heavy equipment.

We make room for all of it.

Let’s grow together

We built the space – but folks like you really make it what it is. With so much room for possibility, what might you have? And how can QCS fit you?